Lote para venda em Itamaracá em Itamaracá

Cidade escolhida:
Itamaracá, Pernambuco

Lote para venda em Itamaracá... Ver mais apartamento e casa à venda

2 Feb 2008

656594 EUR / 788569 USD / 542347 GBP 60 hectares (approx 150 acres) in overall size 6 hectares (approx 15 acres) buildable - the rest is protected Direct access to the Atlantic Ocean No access by road, but close to mainland - amenities 2 mins boat trip! Island building restrictions apply Excellent location Ideal for watersports SOLD Tropical Brazilian islands for sale are rare Full details available to qualified buyers Ideal large secluded family home or eco-community SOLD
Ad Provided by 123Worldprop.com
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